The area between Fajãzinha and Fajã Grande is one of the most beautiful coastlines of the Azores. Through the long green wall that borders this area, there are almost twenty waterfalls, with the one named Ribeira Grande standing out given its 300 metres height. At the foot of the cliff, there are several permanent puddles, such as the Poço do Bacalhau and the Poço da Alagoinha, which is also known as Lagoa dos Patos. A walk to the cliff provides you with the opportunity of enjoying from a close distance the waterfalls and the scenery that Nature has carved out, which is an invitation to contemplation and to a reinvigorating swim. There is the dark grey colour of the rock, the green of the luxuriant vegetation, the white from the foam and the crystal blue of the water that come together to offer a most prodigious view.
“Fajã Grande” and Fajãzinha are coastal areas of lava deltas and fluvial and scree-slope deposits, contiguous to the central plateau and separated from it through a long and about 300 m high fossil sea cliff. Several streams cascades down the cliff and form impressive falls, and small pools and lakes.